Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Oulton Park beckons..

The Porsche Club makes its first visit to Oulton Park this weekend, for Championship rounds three & four. There is a strong entry in a variety of models which should make for some very exciting racing. Marcus will be testing on Friday before Saturday’s races but has already managed to sneak in a few crafty laps in a road car on Tuesday afternoon – however he was keen to point out that this was done on medical advice!  That may sound a little far-fetched but his physiotherapist had said it would be a good idea to gently test how his arm stood up to the type of loads it would be under when racing.  Thankfully it went OK, leaving him a little sore but not likely to have any impact on his performance.  So having done under 10 laps round a soaking wet Silverstone he’s really champing at the bit to drive the Hartech Boxster S in the dry (hopefully – forecast is changeable) round a circuit he knows really well, and finally actually compete in it.  He won both races here in 2010 and won again in 2011, so prospects are good, but we’ll only know for sure once the chequered flag drops.
Qualifying is at 9.20 with the races scheduled for 12.05 and 4.05.  The team will be in one of the pit garages – feel free to come and say hello...and don’t forget your autograph book!

Cheshire Life is out at last!

The June issue was due out on 18th May but it was delayed and it seemed Marcus did his best to wear out the pavement to the newsagents visiting everyday until it eventually went on sale on 5 days later.  The article turned out to be a full two page spread with plenty of photos of the car and driver. Following his new found fame Marcus hasn’t yet been stopped in the street for his autograph, but he puts this down to the public just being very polite...
The issue can be bought online (with free delivery) by clicking here.

Brands Hatch Round – 5th May

After the long wait from when the cars arrived at the Hartech workshop as blank canvases those many months ago it was finally time for the first race. The cars were primed and polished ready for their track debut. Ben was all set for the race, Marcus however suffered an injury only days before the team were due to be at Brands. He had a small fracture at the top of his arm but tissue damage meant it was very weak so he couldn’t risk any more damage to it due to racing, so he was forced to sit this one out.  Hartech have also banned him from riding motorcycles for the rest of the season!
Both cars were taken down to Brands Hatch and were driven by Ben on the test day. This meant the cars could get out on track and the varying conditions gave the team another opportunity to learn something about setting the cars up. Although this was all very frustrating for Marcus, who spent most of his time moaning about how un-seasonally cold it was and trying to console himself by making the most of the Hartech hospitality – which now consists of a smart campervan as well as the kettle and Hob-Nobs!
The racing itself had fantastic results with Ben doing well in the first race with a top 5 finish and moving from ninth place to a win in the second race. The cars did the team justice after all of the hard work and determination that has gone in to developing them. Marcus is now recovering well and raring to go at the Oulton park rounds on Saturday 2nd of June.  He hopes to can carry on a winning streak for the team.
Porsche Club Race Report can be found by clicking here.